In Kyte POS
or Kyte Catalog 
Access the Online Catalog menu
Go to Display Options
Choose the Main Color, it will be used in icons, selectors and products that don't have pictures
In Main View choose between displaying your products in Instaview or in a List
Set how out of stock products will be displayed in Out of stock products
In the Order Settings option in the Online Catalog menu you will find the cart settings:
Get started by activating the Accept Online Orders option
⚠️ Activate the receipt of orders via WhatsApp and post-order guidelines only available in the new catalog.
If you work with deliveries, tap Delivery Options and enter the areas covered and fees for your delivery
If you only offer Pickup, add the service address and hours of operation
In Payment Methods configure the options accepted in payments made directly in the catalog or at delivery or pickup
⚠️ The option to Allow purchases without login is fixed for the new Kyte catalogue, and it is not possible for your customers to create an account on it.
Register your contact information for all the main social media platforms and activate the Order on WhatsApp button in Social Media & Others
On Kyte Web 💻
Access the Online Catalog menu
Choose the Main Color or use the palette to further customize the icons, selectors and buttons in your catalog
In Main display mode choose between displaying your products in list, grid or Instaview mode
Add a Store Banner to the top of the page to promote promotions and important information
Set how out of stock products will be displayed in Out of stock products
Activate the new version of the Kyte online catalog to take advantage of the visual resources and receive orders on your WhatsApp
Activate the option Accept online orders and Receive order summary via WhatsApp, receive the order on the number registered in the catalog
To receive online orders, it is necessary to inform the delivery or pickup options as well as the payment methods accepted both at the establishment and at the completion of the online purchase