Canceling your subscription to Kyte

See how to cancel your plan subscription, if you need a refund, contact our support team.

Updated over a week ago

The cancellation of the subscription must be done through the same platform where it was generated. To find out which payment method was used for your subscription, click on the Manage button, located at the top of your Kyte's main menu.

Subscriptions via Apple Pay

Subscriptions made using Apple Pay are processed directly by Apple and must therefore be canceled directly through the App Store.

You can access the subscriptions details through the Manage button in the Kyte app or follow the steps here.

⚠️ Payments made using Apple Pay can only be refunded by Apple, to request it follow the steps here.

Subscriptions via Google Pay

Subscriptions made using Google Pay are processed directly by Google and must therefore be canceled directly through the Play Store.

You can access the subscriptions details through the Manage button in the Kyte app or follow the steps here.

⚠️ Payments made using Google Pay can only be refunded by Google, to request it follow the steps here.

Subscriptions using debit or credit card

  1. Login with the same user and password you use in your Kyte account

  2. Click Cancel subscription

  3. Click Continue

  4. Let us know why you decided to cancel, this helps us to improve even more 💚

  5. Click Cancel Subscription

Subscriptions via PayPal

  1. Login with the same user and password you use in your Kyte account

  2. Click Cancel subscription

  3. Click Continue

  4. Let us know why you decided to cancel, this helps us to improve even more 💚

  5. Click Cancel Subscription

Canceling your subscription does not generate an automatic refund but we can calculate and grant a refund of the time not yet used. To make your request contact our support team through the Help menu in your account.

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