To help you resolve any payment-related issues faster, follow the suggestions specific to each payment method. If you're using a credit card and you're facing issues with the payment, consider reaching out to your bank, sometimes, they might need an extra authorization to process payments.
Apple Pay | All payments are processed by Apple, Kyte doesn't have access to their details. | Access your subscription in the App Store or find further solutions here. | Remember to check you are accessing the same Apple ID used to subscribe to Kyte. |
Google Pay | All payments are processed by Google, Kyte doesn't have access to their details. | Access your subscription in the Play Store or find further solutions here. | Remember to check you are using the same Google account used to subscribe to Kyte. |
PayPal | All payments are processed by Paypal but you can see their details through Kyte's subscription page. | Use the same login and password of your Kyte app or web to access your subscription details. | Make the necessary changes in your subscription or contact our support team for further assistance. |
Credit card | All payments are processed by Stripe and you can access their details on Kyte's subscription page. | Use the same login and password of your Kyte app or web to access your subscription details. | Make the necessary changes in your subscription or contact our support team for further assistance. |
My payment wasn't processed
My payment wasn't processed
Your subscription is updated as soon as Kyte's system receives the billing update from the selected payment service. While the information isn't updated, you will see the message Awaiting Payment.
Wallets such as Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal tend to notify charging errors by email but you can also check the status of your subscription directly in your account on their system.
For subscriptions made using a credit card, Stripe tries charging the card on record up to 5 times before cancelling the subscription. The issuer of your card will be notified of the charges and you can contact your bank to know more about their reasons for declining.
The payment was processed but the plan didn't update
The payment was processed but the plan didn't update
Payments sometimes can take longer to synch between systems so Kyte automatically extends access to your plan for 7 days after the expiry of your subscription. If your plan doesn't update within this period, please contact our support team on the chat in the Help menu of your account.
The payment frequency is wrong
The payment frequency is wrong
You can change the billing frequency from monthly to yearly but not vice versa. If you want to switch from an yearly payment to a monthly payment, you will need to cancel your subscription and subscribe again.
If you're using Apple Pay or Google Pay, you can make the changes directly in the Subscription page in their systems. For Stripe and PayPal payments, access Kyte's subscription page to make the alterations.
The wrong plan was activated
The wrong plan was activated
Upgrades or downgrades of the plan should reflect in your Kyte account but you can confirm them by accessing the subscription page. If you believe your plan in incorrect, please contact our support team on the chat in the Help menu of your account.
If you've tried all these steps and still need help, please don't hesitate to contact our support team on the chat in the Help menu of your Kyte account. We are ready and happy to assist you every step of the way. 💚