Resetting users passwords

See how to reset your password and that of other users, if you need to edit the account owner, contact our support.

Updated over a week ago

In your Kyte app 📱

If you don't have access to your account

  1. Enter the login screen and enter the email used to create your user

  2. Tap Next to continue with login

  3. Click Forgot Password

  4. You will receive a confirmation code on the email in question, just enter it to create a new password

  5. Enter the new password and tap Create new password

  6. You will access your account next

Resetting your password

If you have access to your account, you can reset your password using the shortcut at the top of the main menu.

  1. Tap the store name

  2. Access the Reset password option just below the user's name and email

  3. Enter the new password and tap Reset password

  4. A confirmation screen will appear and when you click Ok

  5. You will continue to access the account

Resetting other users' passwords

The password can also be changed by other users of the account as long as they have administrator permissions.

  1. To make these changes the administrator must access the Users menu in his own account

  2. Within the menu, select the user that will be edited

  3. Tap Reset password

  4. Enter the new password and tap Reset password

  5. Wait for the confirmation screen, as soon as it appears the user who was edited will be able to access your account with the new password

On Kyte Web 💻

If you don't have access to your account

  1. Enter the email used to create your user

  2. Click Next to continue with login

  3. Click Forgot password

  4. You will receive a code in the e-mail in question, just type it in to create a new password

  5. Enter the new password and tap Create new password

  6. The screen will reload and the password will be requested again before authorizing access to the account

Resetting other users' passwords

The password can also be changed by other users of the account as long as they have administrator permissions.

  1. To make these changes the administrator must access the Users menu in his own account

  2. Within the menu, select the user that will be edited

  3. Under User information, click Reset password

  4. Enter the new password and tap Save

  5. Wait for the confirmation screen, as soon as it appears the user who was edited will be able to access your account with the new password

The option to reset the password will only work for logins created using an email, users registered through Facebook, Google or Apple ID use the data of the respective platforms to log in, so this change needs to be made on them and not through Kyte.

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