Use any card reader and as many of them as you want to charge for sales made in person, you don't need to integrate them with Kyte, just select the payment method in the cart. If you prefer to work with online payment, enable it here.
In your Kyte app 📱
In your Kyte app 📱
Go to the Sell section
Select the products and tap the green button
Add a discount, if needed
Tap the green button again
Charge the total amount directly on the card reader
Select the payment method used in your Kyte and tap Next
Confirm that price in the screen is the same charged in the card reader
Tap Charge
To print or send the receipt to the customer, tap Receipt
On Kyte Web 💻
On Kyte Web 💻
Go to the Sell section
Select the products
Add a discount, if needed
Click Go to payment
Check the order's details and make any necessary changes
Charge the total amount directly on the card reader
Select the payment method used in your Kyte and click Finish Sale
To print or send the receipt to the customer, click View Receipt
Do you want to better understand your sales results? See the information in the Statistics menu.