Adding staff members

Create a user account for each staff member and set permissions.

Updated over a week ago

In your Kyte app 📱

  1. Go to the Users menu in your Kyte app

  2. Click the + button at the top right

  3. Enter the user's name and email

  4. Click Next

  5. Define the user's permissions on the account

  6. Choose a password with more than 6 characters

  7. Click Create User

  8. The account details will be sent to the registered email

On Kyte Web 💻

  1. Go to the Users menu on Kyte Web

  2. Click the + Users button at the top right

  3. Enter the user's name and email

  4. Click Next

  5. Define the user's permissions on the account

  6. Choose a password with more than 6 characters

  7. Click Next

  8. The account details will be sent to the registered email

Details about the permissions

  • Administrator: This allows access to all app features and changes in the system, as well as changes to other users' access;

  • Allow use from a personal device: This allows access to the account from any device, instead of limiting it to just the device where the user was originally created;

  • View transactions from other users: This expands access to all orders placed in the account, including those coming from the online catalog;

  • Give discounts: This allows your team to enter discounts on the value of products and on the total value of sales completed in the app;

  • Create or edit products: This offers full control over the management of product data such as price, name, and description, but to make changes in stock it is necessary to activate the Manage Inventory permission as well;

  • Allow Pay Later: This allows your team to make sales using credit card, manage debt payments, and add credits to your customers' accounts.

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