Selling in bulk

Check out how you can launch large amounts at once.

Updated over a week ago

In your Kyte app 📱

  1. Access the Checkout menu

  2. In the upper right corner you will see a [1 X] button, it allows you to cast large amounts at once

  3. Tap it and enter the amount you want to post

  4. The button will appear in black with the amount you entered in the previous step

  5. Choose the product you want to add that amount to your cart and it will appear on the green button at the end of the screen

  6. Continue with your sale as usual

On Kyte Web 💻

  1. Access the Checkout menu

  2. Choose the product you want to add to the cart

  3. Add quantities by clicking on the + sign at the top of the image

  4. In the order listing, enter the quantity in the field to the left of the product name

  5. Continue with your sale as usual

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