Registering your customers

Build your customers' database, speed up contact during orders and guarantee the quality of your after-sales service.

Updated over a week ago

Your customers' information can be added manually by users registered in your account, imported in bulk through an Excel spreadsheet or automatically updated by the system through the registration made by your customers directly in the online catalog.

In your Kyte app 📱

  1. Access the Customers menu

  2. Tap the + sign

  3. In the gray circle, select between Take a picture or Browse image

  4. Enter your customer or their business' name, mobile number and address

    ⚠️ Addresses are checked on Google Maps to generate delivery routes, so make sure the data is complete and correct before saving the contact.

  5. In Details, inform the email, a second telephone number and ID number

  6. Use the Notes field to register important information for your team

  7. If you want to add it to your contact list, tap the button

  8. Add the option to pay later to the checkout by tapping on Allow customer to pay later

Importing contacts from your phonebook

  1. In your app, access the Customers menu

  2. Tap the icon with the arrow pointing down

  3. Select the contracts you want to upload to Kyte

  4. If you want to import them all, tap on the green square

  5. Tap Import selected

    ⚠️ This process can be done on any device connected to the app and the information will be available to all users in the account.

On Kyte Web 💻

  1. Access the Customers menu

  2. Tap the + Csutomer

  3. Enter your customer or their business' name and ID number

  4. Use the Notes field to register important information for your team

  5. In Contact inform the email, mobile number and a second telephone number

  6. Register the complete address as the information will be checked on Google Maps to generate your delivery routes

  7. Activate the Allow customer to pay later button for this payment option to appear at checkout

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