In Kyte PDV
or Kyte Catalog
Access the Products menu
Select the desired product
Tap the image icon and then the + sign
Choose between Browse image or Take a picture
Resize or adjust the image as you like
⚠️ For a better view of the product in the online catalog, we suggest using a 6:5 scale with 1200x1000 pixels if possible.
Tap Choose to add it
Click Save
If you need to remove one of the images from the list, click on the X
On Kyte Web 💻
Access the Products menu
Select the desired product
Click on Photos and then the + sign
Choose an image or photo
Click Open
Resize or adjust the image as you like
⚠️ For a better view of the product in the online catalog, we suggest using a 6:5 scale with 1200x1000 pixels if possible.
Tap Crop to add it
Click Save
If you need to remove one of the images from the list, click on the X