Managing credits and debits of your customers

Take advantage of the customer account feature to offer credits, cashback and credit payments to your customers.

Updated over a week ago

In your Kyte app 📱

Viewing your customer's balance

  1. Access the Customers menu

  2. Select the customer in question

  3. Enter the Account tab

  4. In the Account Balance you will have access to the history of payments made on credit, debt payments, credits added and used by that customer

  5. Click the share icon to view the extract. The 10 most recent movements can be shared via WhatsApp, but to view the full report it is necessary to send it via email

  6. All users who have permission to use the credit card will be able to access this data, use the filter to facilitate the visualization of the sales managed by each one and have greater control of the results of your team.

Using the account balance feature

If you work with credit cards, gift certificates or want to offer credits to your customers, take advantage of the Add Credits option.

  1. Once the customer has credits available for use on the account, they will appear in the cart

  2. Select the Customer Balance option

  3. Register the payment

  4. Complete the sale

  5. For customers with a positive account balance, the credit option will not appear in the cart

  6. The account balance, whether positive or negative, will appear on the sales receipt so that your customers can have greater control of their accounts.

  7. Take advantage of the order notes field to record payment dates or debt instalments

Managing pay later results

To make it easier to close your cashier and keep better control of debits and credits, use the Payment Method statistics.

  1. Access the Analytics menu

  2. Go to Payment methods to have a more detailed description of the values, as well as for what purpose they were used

On Kyte Web 💻

Viewing your customer's balance

  1. Access the Customers menu

  2. Select the customer in question

  3. In the Account field, click on See statement, you will have access to the history of payments made on credit, debit payments, credits added and used by that customer

  4. Click Copy Image to see the 10 most recent moves that can be pasted in different apps such as WhatsApp

  5. To see all transactions click Send by email, where you will receive the complete report

  6. All users who have permission to use credit will be able to access this data, use the filter to facilitate the visualization of the sales managed by each one and have greater control of the results of your team

Using the account balance feature

If you work with credit cards, gift certificates or want to offer credits to your customers, take advantage of the Add option.

  1. Once the customer has credits available for use on the account, they will appear in the cart

  2. Select the option Use balance

  3. Confirm by clicking Use balance again

  4. Complete the sale

  5. The account balance, whether positive or negative, will appear on the sales receipt so that your customers can have greater control of their accounts.

  6. Take advantage of the order notes field to record payment dates or debt instalments

Managing pay later results

To make it easier to close your cashier and keep better control of debits and credits, use the Payment Method statistics.

  1. Access the Analytics menu

  2. Go to Payment methods to have a more detailed description of the values, as well as for what purpose they were used

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